Toys: Rattles or shakers, teething rings, stacking rings, smaller stuffed animals, blocks (can share same toys are toddlers do) AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Baby+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Baby_Top Performers&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=s&device=c&location=9022537&gclid=CJnQ66D6x9MCFVa1wAodM6wF4Q&gclsrc=aw.ds Other info: Crawlers can take baths in the bath tub just like a toddler
Crawlers have longer arms and legs but still have the pudgy bodies and adorable faces (more similar to babies than toddlers). Also, crawlers have hair on their hear (ear to chin length) Crawlers sleep in cribs (no not bassinets or toddler beds) and eat in high chairs (just like a toddler). Unlike a baby, a crawler's outfit and physical appearance can be completely customize in CAS. A baby would gradually age into a crawler and then a crawler would age into a toddler. 2'2'-2'4' (so taller than newborn, I mean much taller, like they tower over babies but slightly smaller than toddlers) in size. Crawlers are modeled after 7-10 month old babies and approx. This is a combination between newborn and toddler. Crawlers are older and taller infant sims who are unattached from the crib and can roam around freely. New baby life stage: This life stage is called Crawler. Change how babies look, no new life stage called